One of the industry's most common practices is to use ceramic fiber modules anchored to steel to insulate the interior of an industrial furnace. These modules generally come in standard 12-inch x 12-inch sizes.
The problem is that the modules form joints when the fiber contracts at temperatures above 1832°F (1000°C), allowing heat to escape. This affects the module's anchorage and considerably shortens the insulation's lifespan, which can also damage other furnace components.
Here, we will talk about our Jointless™ technology and how it can help you solve this problem.
What is the Jointless™ Insulation System?
It consists of a monolithic macro-module of folded ceramic fiber blanket anchored to a metal mesh that is assembled in the furnace structure to increase durability.
This system prevents the appearance of joints in flues or openings and prevents heat leaks from reaching the metal structure and damaging the equipment.
The goal is to avoid having joints between modules and obtain a single piece that covers the entire ceiling or walls.
Unlike other insulation options that tend to last a short time, the Jointless™ system has a considerably longer lifespan.