In a major, high-value project – the second at this particular plant in Mexico – NUTEC Bickley will supply a 125m-long tunnel kiln to one of the world’s leading advanced ceramics manufacturers.
With SCADA systems for product quality management and best fuel consumption in Sanitaryware production and ceramic industry in general. The greatest flexibility in a wide range of capacities and with a choice of door, combustion system, and control designs.
We are committed to offer not only quality products, but also quality service that exceeds expectations.
Fuel Savings
All of our industrial kilns include features that make our kilns some of the most efficient in the world, by using the latest technology with IMPS, preheated combustion air, self recuperative and regenerative technology, we can achieve this.
Improved Product Quality
With Nutec Bickley Kilns, firing rejects are almost entirely eliminated due high precision in temperature uniformity and reproducibility of the process.
Complete Process Control
All the key factors influencing kiln performance such as air fuel ratio, temperature in various parts of the kiln, product feed time, energy recovery, atmosphere, kiln pressure, and rates of heating and cooling are controllable and programmable with our control and supervisory systems.
Industrial kilns are used generally for ceramic processes where the product may require sintering, oxidation, calcination, vitrification, glazing, decorating, curing, and others. NUTEC Bickley can offer a wide range of kiln designs to suit your specific needs.
Tunnel kilns
Shuttle Kilns
Carbell Kilns
Industrial kilns can use both electricity and fossil fuels as an energy source.
In the industry, shuttle kilns are most used as they are suited for a high flexibility in production and can range in sizes from 1m³ to 500m³. Shuttle kilns can be both electric and gas fired.
Industrial kilns can fire up to 1800°C (3200°F) in conventional processes. Depending on the type of product, NUTEC Bickley can offer a wide range of products to suit your production needs.
Continuous kilns are more efficient than batch kilns. There are multiple technologies that can improve efficiency like heat exchanger systems, heat storage, ECOmbustion, etc. NUTEC Bickley can offer a wide range of solutions for your heat recovery needs.
Industrial kilns can last for decades if taken care of correctly. Frequent maintenance procedures are important to keep your kilns in top shape. NUTEC Bickley can offer retrofits or refurbishments to repair insulation systems, update obsolete control systems, and replace old combustion systems.
The cost of an industrial kiln can vary from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars depending on the size and its use. Speak to NUTEC Bickley’s engineers and we can gladly give you a budget that would suit your requirements.
We serve multiple industries through the design, building and installation of combustion systems, thermal insulation and highly specialized industrial furnaces, kilns and ovens. We are focused on understanding our customers’ needs and supplying the best equipment at the most competitive price.
In a major, high-value project – the second at this particular plant in Mexico – NUTEC Bickley will supply a 125m-long tunnel kiln to one of the world’s leading advanced ceramics manufacturers.
Explore NUTEC Bickley's latest innovative project, a highly flexible, energy-efficient shuttle kiln for the European sanitaryware sector.
Industry leading manufacturer, specializing in rotary forging, metal spinning, and the flow forming of aluminum and other alloys into complex shapes.
We offer specialized technical support and advice to ensure that you choose the solution that best suits your needs. Fill out this form or contact us to talk to us now.