Selecting the Ideal Industrial Furnace Burner
When selecting the ideal Industrial Furnace Burner for your application it is necessary to take into account the design characteristics of the application, the performance criteria and the following considerations:
- Do not sacrifice uniformity by optimizing just a few burners.
- Select and define better burner position, ensuring full understanding of the application and all its requirements.
- Precisely determine and calculate the thermal capacity that the heating process really demands.
- A standard cubic foot of air will always release 100Btu, regardless of the fuel used.
The points we must review in order to choose the correct burner are as follows:
- Application, or process to perform
- Fuel(s) available
- Possible design limitations
- Control method
- Furnace/oven casing considerations
- Process considerations
- Number of burners to be used
- Where they will be located
- Capacity required to do the job
There are different types of Industrial Furnace Burners, their characteristics, design principles and existing models are the following.