Maximize your output with our top-of-the-line Pusher Furnaces

NUTEC Bickley Pusher Furnaces

NUTEC Bickley manufactures and supplies pusher furnaces for continuous production in custom designs to meet clients’ production needs and process requirements.

Pusher furnaces have skid rails attached to the top of the refractory hearth to support the trays or containers along the length of the furnace. The indexing pusher mechanism is located outside of the furnace and pushes a whole train of trays or containers along the length of the furnace.

PF 04

Pusher Furnace for Investment Casting

PF 01

Pusher Furnace for Heat Treating Forged Parts

PF Carrusel 05

Pusher Furnace for Investment Casting

PF Carrusel 06

Pusher Furnace for Investment Casting

PF Carrusel 08

Pusher Furnace for Investment Casting


Pusher Furnace for Investment Casting

General Specifications
10 ft Long to over 40 ft Long (3 m Long - 12 m Long)
From 150°C to 1,150°C (300°F to 2,100°F)
Power Source
Natural and propane gas. Electrical configurations available
Key Differentiators
High Performance: Can operate in temperatures up to 1,350°C (2,460°F)
Insulation: Sections equipped with fiber with our patented Jointless® system, specially designed to compensate for fiber shrinkage and significantly reduce maintenance requirements.
AMS Compliant: Designed to comply with AMS 2750E with temperature tolerance capability up to Class 1, if required.
Firing Technology: Pulsed combustion and control systems.
Pressurization: Optional seal designs that allow excellent pressure control to optimize the use of regenerative burners.
Built to Last: Sturdy steel frame of refractory construction.
Energy Savings: State-of-the-art heat recovery systems delivering from 10% up to 70% energy savings compared to cold air systems.

Download the resources related to our Pusher Furnaces

Pusher Furnace data sheet

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Technology Offered



With our SCADA systems, kilns operators are able to have complete control of their firing process, enhancing efficiency and productivity.

Learn more about SCADA


NUTEC Bickley’s unique firing and cooling pulsing control system provides a perfect solution in relation to temperature uniformity as well as fuel efficiency.

Learn more about IMPS™
Industries we serve
Electrical – transformers and motors
Related Processes

Related Services

Spare Parts

NUTEC Bickley provides the best Spare Parts brands for industrial furnaces, kilns and other equipment, with the highest quality components in the combustion and control areas.

Learn more about our Spare Parts catalog

Maintenance Policies

NUTEC Bickley provides Maintenance Policies for industrial furnaces all over the world. Our commitment is to keep your combustion systems in the best possible operating condition with periodic reviews and a process of continuous improvement.

Learn more about our Maintenance Policies

Related Resources

Esto es Nutec Bickley

Proveemos soluciones térmicas de equipo que van más allá de las expectativas

Somos una empresa líder internacional en el diseño e implementación de sistemas industriales de calentamiento innovadores y eficientes.  Estamos centrados en comprender las necesidades de los equipos térmicos de nuestros clientes y en trabajar para proporcionar los mejores equipos para satisfacer estas necesidades con los precios más competitivos.

Conoce nuestros casos éxitos más recientes

Eficiencia Energética para Cerámica Avanzada

En un proyecto importante y de alto valor – el segundo en esta planta en México – NUTEC Bickley suministrará un horno túnel de 125 m de largo a uno de los principales fabricantes de cerámica avanzada del mundo.

Nuestro Horno más reciente para Sanitarios es Sinónimo de Flexibilidad

Explora el más reciente proyecto innovador de NUTEC Bickley, un horno intermitente altamente flexible y eficiente para el sector sanitario en Europa.

Tratamiento Térmico de Aluminio

Fabricante líder en la industria, especializado en forja rotativa, rolado de metales, y conformado de partes de aluminio y otras aleaciones en formas complejas.

¿Deseas asesoramiento para elegir el horno o la refacción ideal para tu proyecto?

Le ofrecemos asistencia técnica especializada y asesoramiento para que elija la solución que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades. Rellena este formulario o póngase en contacto con nosotros para hablar ahora.

Envíanos un correo a: sales@nutec.com