With ever-rising fuel costs and concern for the environment, companies need to find alternatives and technologies that allow them to reduce their carbon footprint without affecting the output of their kilns.
At NUTEC Bickley, we are committed to offering innovative solutions to improve production efficiency, reduce energy consumption and minimize environmental impact.
In this article, we present mbustion, our latest energy optimization technology that delivers significant cost savings in gas kilns.
Read on if you are interested in how this technology works, its benefits, and the processes needed for its implementation.
What is an energy recovery system?
An energy recovery system, also known as a fuel-saving system, uses the residual heat generated in kiln processes to preheat the combustion air instead of relying on exterior air.
In the industry, different heat recovery types help optimize energy resources, such as recuperative burners, regenerative burners, and central heaters. These use a heat exchanger to preheat a stream of cold air with a stream of warm air.
However, these traditional systems implemented outside the kiln tend to become less efficient and more expensive over time due to the limitation of the maximum temperature they can withstand and the waste heat they can use.
How does mbustion work?
mbustion is an innovative control technology designed to achieve fuel savings in gas kilns. This system uses an algorithm that simultaneously monitors critical variables to optimize energy use.
With this heat recovery system, it is possible to reduce fuel consumption, which translates into lower operating costs and a reduction in the carbon footprint.
The special algorithm is responsible for adjusting the air and fuel flows inside the kiln for it to work correctly while supervising two main safety parameters simultaneously: the temperature and oxygen levels.
- Temperature level. This must be above the autoignition temperature, the minimum at which the fuel in contact with air can ignite without needing an external heat source. The temperature required for mbustion is over 1400°F (760°C) in a natural gas system.
- Oxygen level. This must be set so the kiln is guaranteed to have the necessary amount of oxygen to burn. This may vary depending on the fuel type, kiln conditions, airflow, and temperature, among other factors.